Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Rule of Thirds

 Rule of Thirds still in film

Still image from THE AVENGERS, May 4, 2012

This image is from the Avengers and clearly shows Thor lined up on the right vertical and reaching for his hammer beyond the left vertical.

Environmental photos without/with Rule of Thirds

Shot of a lake with camping equipment up top.

This shot does not show rule of thirds. Nothing is aligned on the vertical and horizontal lines.

Shot of a waterfall and mountain

This picture though, has the waterfalls lined up on the left vertical. The right vertical shows the ascend to the top of the mountain.

Rule of Thirds with Figures

One Figure (Don't know why the camera gave them different sizes)

Lego figure looking into distance, unpresuming

This shot is not in tune with the rule of thirds. The figure is not aligned at all.

Lego figure facing left of image, preparing for something

In this shot though, the figure is lined up on the right vertical. This shows how they would be looking at something on or past the left vertical.

Rule of Thirds with Two Figures

Stormtrooper figure walking unbeknownst to the other Lego figure

In this picture, both figures are not aligned properly. they do not even acknowledge each other.

Stormtrooper and other Lego figure looking at each other

This shot, shows neutrality. This is because each figure is lined up on a vertical. They do not walk inside the lines.

Stormtrooper and other figure shaking/holding hands

In this shot, the figures have crossed the vertical lines. This shows attraction.

Other figure attacks stormtrooper with a hammer

This shot clearly shows conflict. The other figure has stepped out of his vertical line and into the stormtroopers zone. This would show either conflict or attraction/attempted move but this time it was conflict. 

Rule of Thirds in first Thor photo

A) The still has shown many obvious parts of the rule of thirds. The still shows us Thor reaching out to his trusty hammer, Mjolnir. This still includes 2 main objects. One being that Thor is lined up on the right vertical line while reaching out to the left. Second is The Mjolnir, which is beyond the left line. This setting shows danger. It would show that Thor needs the hammer now and is reaching to get it. This could be the cause of a fight or upcoming fight. Therefore, it foreshadows the eventual use of the Mjolnir in battle.

B) The desired story is clearly told by this image. First off the Mise en Scene shows that Thor and his hammer are almost always a two in one. You will never see Thor without it. This would weigh into the marvel narrative. The shot with both of them shows a neat play in editing and narrative too. Thor's constant being with the hammer shows up as a recurring motif, which truly shows the power that he wields. The shot itself is positioned under Thor's knees. Most of the actual Mjolnir hammer is not even seen. This could be shown to create suspense. Until he pulls the hammer up of course. This shot conveys the potential power Thor could have with his hammer. But, the hammer being below him in the shot shows that Thor is far more important than his hammer. And without Thor, the hammer is useless as no one besides him can lift it (besides Captain America).

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

First Blog

 Hello. This account is based in Florida.  That is the most you will know. This solely will be used for purposes of media studies. I am currently enrolled in high school. In this account you will see the evolution of my film studies. This will be for a class. Not much info will be revealed by the produced film clips. Blogger is a pretty strange site. I am not familiar with it. It will take some getting used to. The class this is for seems pretty interesting. I am hoping these blogs will be interesting to most of you and maybe gain traction. A few of my favorite films are whiplash, goodfellas, fight club, and the godfather. I do not really like films that are romance or horror based. Matter of fact, I have never watched a single horror film all the way through. I would be open to it though. Some genres I really like are mafia, action, and war. Enough with the movie talk, I will talk a bit about myself. I am generally laid back and maybe a bit too much. I have a pet chinchilla and dog, and a pretty solid friend group. That will be all for now. Below will be a couple of pictures regarding my favorite films and a chinchilla.

CCR Post 4

4) How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? PowerPoint (Could not share normally as organizatio...