Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Third Day

     Finally, we could film. Everything went well and the filming continued as normal. There was one minor set back though. The phone we used to film died and we had to use another. It was alright though, because we can just send the footage to each other for our editor to piece up. Everyone was being a team player and we got through the final day having completed everything.

      All of the shots involving the main actor were filmed and now they just have to be edited together so it flows well when played back.

  This was a fun blooper when one of the team members in our film group walked behind our actor mid shot.
  The whole experience was very tense and stressful but it all got done in a timely manner which saved our group.

Before Third Day

     We discussed our plan. We had to do around 80% of our film on one day. Everyone cancelled their plans and was able to come that day. Our main actor too. The biggest challenge was getting people to come on time. That will most likely still happen. Hopefully though, all goes well and we can get our film done in just one day of filming.

      Our group was planning ahead and formulated when they could arrive and they all gave the green light.

Second Day of Filming

 We were all set on our proposal and were greenlit. However, disaster struck. Our director and main actor was absent at an event for JROTC. He was gone the whole period and could not come to the filming, leaving us with one day more of no filming. Even with this instance, we still took some shots that involved only the chess piece. This helped us vastly later.

 The shots that we took were anything that involved the actor. We took shots of the chess piece rumbling on the floor and dodging the cane. Both of these shots were not involving the actor directly so they were filmed without him. Also for most of the period it was a 2-person crew filming this and we got a very satisfactory number of shots done before the final day. 

Improved Proposal

In our new proposal, we added the script with sound definitions, the recce report, the sound statement, the risk assessment, shot list, call sheet, and many other documents. Our new proposal is far better than the other one and will surely be accepted by the second day of filming.

 It was approved online and we should be set to film if everyone is present. The other document I completed was the recce report/ risk assessment. We got it done the day after the first filming day.

Here is my completed risk assessment document. The personal information is blacked out.

First Day of Filming

     On the first day, we were unable to film. This caught us by surprise. This was due to our proposal being rejected. However, we were allowed to plan our resubmission and get the correct marks. Due to us being unable to film, we had to rely on the 2nd and 3rd days to get our film done.

     During this day we did not take any shooting, as we were not allowed to and did not have access to the camera equipment. This will be fixed by the next filming day as our documents are already in order, they just have to be submitted by the director.

This is the Sound Statement document that I completed.

Proposal Response

     Our proposal was declined because we did not complete all of the documents provided for the production portfolio. Our idea was great, but we lacked the work aspects to make it work. At the time we only had around 4 done when the required amount was 10. Some of our group members were confused on which to do.

      This would lead to us not being able to even film on the first day if not fixed by then. I was in charge of the recce report/risk assessment and sound statement.

Film Inspiration/Proposal

           Our proposed film will be an action film. Our inspiration came from a Kingsman fight scene that                 we watched in class. This scene was a huge fighting sequence inside of a church. It gave us an idea             to focus our film on at least for that part of it.

Link to scene: 

This scene encapsulated what we wanted to do with our film, of course the Kingsmen would be replaced with a top hat man and the attacker with a chess piece. This would work well together and combine to make a very comedic film.

          Our idea came to be as we wanted to focus our film around the 1920s-30s era. We were deciding                between a cowboy and top hat man, but ultimately chose the top hat man due to cowboys being a                little too gun-related. 

Choosing the Genre

For our film, we have a number of genres to choose from. The main two that came to mind were comedy and action. There were many strengths and weaknesses for either one of these genres.

Comedy- For comedy, there are many possible options for comedy in a chess film. One of the ones that came to mind was having the chess piece comically grow to the size of the top hat man. This would be the main comedic effect that we would focus on if we did a chess film revolving around comedy. The film being comedy would definitely make the class like it more though.

Action- This was our main genre that we were most likely going to pick. This genre would involve a long fight sequence between the chess piece and the top hat man. This fight sequence would have been the main part of the film and take around roughly 30 seconds. This one would probably be easier to involve than comedy.  However, this scene is more prone to mistakes and harder to piece together in editing. 

Because of this, we have chosen action as our main genre.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Chess Film Introduction

 In our class, we are doing a 3 class long filming project to make a chess film. This film has no dialogue and only music/sound effects/ambience. The film has to be around one minute long. My group members have already assigned our roles. I am the Sound Designer. There are 4 roles to pick from: Sound Designer, Editor, Cinematographer, and Director. Our film will have only one human actor, the Top Hat Man, who fights against a white chess piece which is a knight. Most of the film will be a fighting sequence.

CCR Post 4

4) How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? PowerPoint (Could not share normally as organizatio...