Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Having to Approve our Story

     As director, I had to approve any additions to our story and providing any feedback that may help with the creation of the film. We have changed almost 80% of our film from the storyboard. This greatly affected how our film looked and how it was filmed, as the strategies were improvised in person and input was received from all members. 

    Even the actor, provided his own opinion and we took it into consideration when making it in person. As director, most of the story talking took place over text with my in-class teammate, who forwarded it to our actor. We also created a group chat including our actor so I can inform all of them directly. 

Dialogue Between me and Teammate, SMS, March 19, 2024.
I have found that conversating over text has had a more beneficial impact than talking in class, because in class we are all tired and do not want to even talk about the film, so it is better quite literally at any other time of day. 

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CCR Post 4

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