Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Mise en Scène

 1) MeS in existing media

Still image from Bladerunner 2049, 2017

This still clearly shows contrast. It is shown between the dark officer K and the light background and pillars.

Still image from Bladerunner 2049, 2017

The main noticeable thing in this picture is the varying color near the middle. It is red which shows love/attraction. This brings attention by color.

Still image from Bladerunner 2049, 2017

Most people would look towards the giant purple hologram in the middle. This shows attention by size. Officer K is barely noticeable.

Still image from Bladerunner 2049, 2017

Frontality is very prevalent in this still. The main subject is Officer K who is staring at the hologram.

2) Stills made by me

Nerf dart on green folder

This still shows a clear contrast between the yellow of the dart and the surrounding green of the folder.

Nerf dart on green folder surrounded by pens

Color difference is shown here. All the pens and the folder are all green. This creates high differences between the yellow and the green.

Big nerf dart on folder

This one was supposed to demonstrate a difference by size. It was very hard to get a right angle though.

Very frontal nerf dart on folder

This shows heavy frontality. So much so you can see the imperfections on the dart itself.

3) Reflection

Getting the images was very hard. Not for the movie part. I am referring to the self made ones. The size especially was hard to pinpoint. I was not sure how big it had to be for it's size to be considered big compared to the rest. That was probably the only still that I got wrong. Besides that, I understood all the material. it was fun to find stills from blade runner. it is one of my favorite movies of all time. Besides that, it was really straightforward and I am very proud of my work. I used whatever random stuff I had lying around for the blog. That is probably why it seems very all over the place. I like it though, it gives the blog a very familiar vibe that I think works well with what I wrote along with it.

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