Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Camera Position

 1) Camera Position in existing media


Still image from The Dark Knight, 2008

This shows how low angles creates power


Still image from The Dark Knight, 2008

This still is in eye level to show Batman's facial expressions


Still image from The Dark Knight Rises, 2012

This still shows Bane as being more powerful over Batman in the moment.


Still image from The Dark Knight, 2008

This still shows Batman across the room interrogating Joker. This shows the upcoming for the interrogation.

2) Camera position in my media


Lego character looking upwards towards camera

This still shows how a high angle can show weakness in the character portrayed.


Lego character looking into the camera

This shot shows eye level with the Lego.


Lego character commanding other figure from a higher post.

This one shows how height is used to show power over other characters.


Lego character about to assassinate his commander

This shows conflict between the two characters. 

3) Reflection

    The shots were very hard to obtain. The Legos did not want to stand up. This was solved somewhat by the introduction of a raised platform. This fixed the issue of them not standing up straight. However, it was also hard to pick what figures to use. These two were probably one of the more basic ones so they would not seem too weird to pick, unlike some of the other Star Wars and Marvel figures I have. The yellow and brown figure is actually also a Star Wars figure. Something to do with Naboo. He does not look too fictional though, so I decided to use him. The focus on my phone was also pretty hard to pinpoint to the tiny characters. I had to manually click around and find a focus that worked. Same with the distance and zoom. It was hard to find a happy medium between the two. Besides that, I had a pretty fair understanding on how to actually set up the shots to achieve the desired image. The shots that I got were very fulfilling on the requirements of the assignment.  I believe that I did a very good job on completing the criteria with minimal defects besides just errors with the blur/depth of field.

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