Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Narrative Equilibrium – Tzvetan Todorov

 1) Proppian Characters

Hero- Ethan

Villain- Russians

Donor- Benji and Headquarters

Princess- The package on the plane

Princess' Father- Headquarters

Helper- Luther

False Hero- Benji?

2) Others

Equilibrium- The package was safe and out of enemy hands.

Disruption- The Russians have obtained control of the package.

New Equilibrium- Ethan (Tom Cruise) gets it back from the inside of the plane.

3) Paragraph

The meaning of this clip is to show the recapture of the package from the Russians, the capture of it was the disruption. This clip shows an entire intelligence team working together to recapture the package before it travels off too far. Therefore, it is simple to infer that after they captured it, it restored the equilibrium.

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