Thursday, February 15, 2024

My Job as Director

     Director will be my focused role in the group, while my sub-role is cinematographer, our group is fairly easy to direct. Since there is only one other person, and we have already decided on someone who can be our actor. The main thing is getting our documents together for the portfolio greenlight. This determines if our teacher lets us film or not. It is a total collection of 10 documents which need to be completed to even start production. Since we are 2 members, we each do 5 of them. They correspond to our roles. The documents take an average of 30 minutes to 2 hours at the highest. I have to then collect all of our group's documents and put all of them into one file. Most likely a word document where I will just paste all images of completed sections. This is the main priority as director, organizing the portfolio greenlight, so we can begin filming and blogging what we do further on. I have already begun some of the documents. Pictured will be all of the ones that need to be completed. 

Production Documents, Canvas, 13 Feb. 2024

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CCR Post 4

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