Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Production Portfolio PT.1

     Our production portfolio is underway and we were both assigned specific documents we have to complete to be able to even begin filming. I had 6 documents while my teammate had 3. This difference is because his job will come later on as he is editor and sound designer, while I am the director and the cinematographer. The documents I was assigned were the script, storyboard, shot list, genre statement, call sheet, and the casting report.

    Script- The script was straightforward as it had 2 columns. One for audio and one for visual. However, the story must be mutually decided by team members. We decided to do this in class in order to avoid potential instances outside of school. The script took around 1.5 hours to complete. I will not post the completed one in order to maintain privacy for me and my teammate, but here is the format we were recommended to use. 

AVS Script, Class Document
    Storyboard- This document took considerably longer to do. It took me around 3 hours give or take. It is a collection of the shots we plan to take, drawn out and meticulously planned. There should be multiple pages to the storyboard. We completed 3 pages for it, it is organized by scenes and shots, and also specifies the shot size for the given shot. This will help us while filming, as we can just refer to the storyboard for how we should shoot our opening. 

Production Storyboard, Class document
These documents lay the ground work for what our opening will be and how it will be carried out, however these are just the first two from my part. 

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CCR Post 4

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