Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Production Portfolio PT.2

    Continuing with the portfolio, there is still the shot list, genre statement, call sheet, and casting report to do. However, on a good note, these are significantly shorter than the storyboard and script, so it was good to get those out of the way first.

    Shot List- The shot list was honestly just the storyboard but without the visuals, so it took way less time, though, it still helps with the production by giving a quick overview of the shots we will take. This one only took roughly 20 minutes. 

Camera Shot List, Class Document
    Genre Statement- This one was just clarifying what our genre will be for our opening will be. Since we decided this since the first day, this was a breeze to do and it gave me further insight on the genre when I did this document, which will aid us in our production to stick to our genre. The genre we picked was horror. This was chosen over our next runner up, thriller. Thrillers take too long to build up suspense and we want to get straight to the point. 

Genre Statement, Class Document

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