Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Production Portfolio PT. 3

     Finally, the call sheet and casting report are left, arguably the best for last, as this sets the basis for our actual production setting and our actor. We will be using one actor, one of my teammates friends, to play the MC. This casting report helps us with on scene shooting.

    Call Sheet- This sheet helps note out what we need on the shooting day, things such as the specific actors who will be present (we only have one), the costumes/outfit for that shooting day, special props, and the equipment needed to shoot. This helps keep it organized and not just by word of mouth.

Call Sheet, Class Document
        Casting Report- Helps to justify the actor choices, what do they have that we need. Also helps note the contact information for the actors. Also, I found that it is useful to gauge their availability, we found it correlates with ours, sometime in the weekend.
Casting Report, Class Document

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