Thursday, February 8, 2024

Scoping out Introductions of Other Films

     We have decided to watch 3 openings of films to grasp an idea of how films start and see how we can apply that to our project. The 3 that we chose all come from different genres, to see how that affects the openings of the films. The films that were chosen were The Killer, 2023, Napoleon, 2023, and Sonic the Hedgehog 2, 2022. The films we chose are all recent as to avoid any old media trends that could interrupt our film. I will be writing what I see while viewing these introductions.

The Killer: Somewhat of a mystery as to where the character is at. The camera pans over the character but does not show his face until later. It leaves us unsure if this is the main character or not. The character's voice is non-diegetic and gives oversight while I'm assuming the same character sits in a room looking out of a window. The character's hearing of the Smith's song is also played into the audio like we are the character hearing the music. 

Flix Vybz, "The Killer (2023) - HD Opening Scene" YouTube, 10 Nov. 2023

Napoleon: This opening gives us background through text which underlines what is going on in France at the moment in history. Also shows royalty panicking which creates some suspense. Also tells the name of main actors in title cards. This movie begins with the execution of Marie Antoinette, who was a part of the royal family.

PaPa Strudl, "Napoleon 2023 - Opening Scene (HD Clip) YouTube, 13 Jan. 2024

Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Starts off with the Paramount intro but sonic rings instead of stars. Then shows the producers and finally begins with an establishing shot in the woods somewhere. Tails then jumps out of a portal and introduces he found somebody. Most likely referring to Sonic. The camera stays in position while Tails flies away out of the woods in seconds. This position shows the immense speed at which tails is going.
Clips N Stuff, "Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - (First 3 Minutes)...YouTube, 3 Apr. 2022

Using what we learned from these videos we can apply that to our film and make it work.

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