Thursday, February 8, 2024

Final Genre Decision

     We have come to our conclusion by elimination. The first to go would be romance. Our crew wouldn't feel comfortable doing that so that was an easy out. The other 2 that followed suit would be musical and sci-fi. Those both would require a sizeable budget and musical creativity to pull off. Also making the lore for sci-fi would be pointless for the first 2 minutes. Some others that fell out were action and comedy. Action too requires quite a bit of budget and comedy you are never sure how the audience will react, so we would not like to take that risk. Documentaries would be pointless as the first 2 minutes would cover nothing and probably not even reveal the genre. This leaves thriller and horror as the final two. 

    Deciding between the final two was tough, as they were quite similar in style and both could work considerably well for our group. Our deciding factor though, was that thrillers always build and build anticipation until the thrill finally happens later on. This cannot be well portrayed in a 2 minute timespan. Horror though, the villain can be introduced from the start and those movies usually get straight to the point. This leaves one clear winner, horror.

Self-made graph of Horror vs. Thriller genre, 8 Feb. 2024

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